Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling (SPM) 2024


Sponsor Prospectus

Join us as a sponsor for the SPM24. Sponsorships include a booth for scouting new talent and showcasing products or services.

View the Exhibit Area

Platinum Sponsor: $8,000

- Three complimentary full conference registrations, two booth personnel badges
- Recognition as Welcome Reception sponsor with logoed napkins
- One-page advertisement in the digital conference program
- Logo included in newsletters
- Logo featured on the conference website and on signage at the conference
- Company-provided banner stand displayed in conference registration area
- Company-provided give away/promotional materials handed out at registration
- Speech in industrial session
- One 6-foot draped table-top with two chairs

Gold Sponsor: $5,000

- Two complimentary full conference registrations, one booth personnel badge
- Half-page advertisement in the digital conference program
- Logo included in newsletters
- Logo featured on the conference website and on signage at the conference
- Company-provided give away/promotional materials handed out at registration
- Speech in industrial session
- One 6-foot draped table-top with two chairs

Silver Sponsor: $3,000

- One complimentary full conference registration, one booth personnel badge
- Quarter-page advertisement in the digital conference program
- Logo featured on the conference website and on signage at the conference
- Speech in industrial session
- One 6-foot draped table-top with two chairs

Bronze Sponsor: $1,500

- One booth personnel badge
- Logo featured on the conference website and on signage at the conference
- One 6-foot draped table-top with two chairs

Other Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsors receive recognition on the Conference website and on signage.

Lanyards - $2,000: Sponsor provides the Conference lanyards to be distributed at registration.

Session Room - $1,000: Great logo visibility in the meeting room for the day with your logo and recognition at the start of each session throughout the day.

To sponsor:

The sponsorship request must be sent before June 17, 2024 to the email and must contain the following information:
- Applicant's name and contact details
- Brief description of the applicant (company, institution, foundation...)
- Detail of the type and value of the offered sponsorship
- Any other information you want us to know